Location: Tuscany
Year: in progress
Project: Vera Luciani
The landscape intention is to express the character of the Tuscan Agricultural Territory, which is also why we focus a lot on the Olive Tree (with already large specimens, even centuries-old ones) as a symbolic plant to be found throughout the Property area, often in the company of Cypress.
The parking lot is shaded by ornamental Mulberry trees, around the existing building there are some centuries-old Olive trees and Cypress trees, free Mediterranean boulders, climbing shrubs, aromatic and medicinal plants, to express Toscanità to the fullest in all seasons.
We have arranged the shrubs in an organized composition distributed in a pleasant and balanced way: with a weave of branches that do their structural task well, and above all are attractive in themselves, thanks to the enormous variety of shapes and scents. The lawn is of Gramigne, rustic, wild, with low maintenance and water consumption.
Next to the Restaurant is a Kitchen Garden for seasonal vegetables and, around it, the blooms of an orchard with ancient local varieties. There will be no shortage of rare and special species, with a significant rediscovery of “forgotten fruits,” for the preservation of botanical assets and a contribution to the reduction of varietal impoverishment.
Water element
The water element, of great impact and attractiveness, a typical element of parks and villas and often a constituent element of gardens, flows and gives life to the landscape, stands still and reflects the sky, enlivening the setting. The fountain with water features creates light and movement, with a pleasant acoustic effect.
The area is well served by seating for relaxation and conversation even in the evening, with adequate lighting.
The Pool area is set with some Palm trees and Mediterranean blooms. A Wisteria arbor with a succession of colors and scents from above provides a refreshing break and around the spa.
To the side is the pond with aquatic plants, which provide splendid blooms from spring to autumn.
Around the presence of yellow and red Wicker Willows that change color as the winter months progress.
Continuing on, we find the Olive trees along with other fruit trees, profusion of aromatic and medicinal plants to explore, smell and taste!
This leads on to the central path, wavy and sinuous, which hosts climbers with various blooms , which in addition to their attractiveness are capable of providing shade.
Wide openings with ancient re-blooming tapestry roses give off elegance and opulence.
Main connecting avenues such as between the “lodges,” the restaurant, and the spa, should ensure the smoothest walkability, with a view to enhancing and connecting the space.
All paths shall be equipped with scenic lighting, capable of highlighting the most significant tree groups and elements.

- Shady restaurant car park with ornamental mulberry trees
- Widespread olive grove with trees (also centuries old) with cypresses (Bolgheri clone)
- Vegetable garden with hedge of Myrtle and white shrubby rose bushes
- Orchard with ancient local varieties
- Swimming pool with large Lawn/Solarium in Festuca arundinacea around the Solarium in Iroko planks that serves as entrance and exit to the pool.
- Pond with Pietra Serena boulders, water plants and wicker willows.
- Garden of aromatic and medicinal plants. Olive and special fruit trees.
- Larger central pergola made of Corten rod with river gravel paving stopped by transparent resin (and Corten containment). Collections of climbing shrubs.
- Minor pergolas with climbing roses.
- Lodges with plots contained by Corten sheet metal and paved with Pine Bark (coarse) with large local Stone slabs serving the entrances. Barbecue and the outdoor dining area under the Mulberry trees. Random presences of Rosemary, Lavandula, Sage, Perovschia and Teucrium in the plot.
- Shady square with large Celtis australis (25-30 metres high) and seating for a cool stop.
- Water features/fountain with yellow-lined bamboos contained by Corten sheet metal.
- Lawn is of Gramigne, rustic, wild, with low maintenance and water consumption.
- Scenic lighting with recessed bodies in the ground.